Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Pics (heavy)

Here's some pictures I took this morning. Just seems to be several photo ops when I have my camera handy.
 This is CJ. He is my new sewing buddy. He's laying on my cut pieces for my quilt.
 Totally loving this pic!!

 More snow this morning. This is an hours worth of snow fall.
See how it's fuzzy? That's snow falling still.
 Trying out my macro setting on my camera.
Even my 7 year old is crafty! She did this in art class at school. Lost a pom pom on the way home.
Does this purchase make me an automatic crafter? No clue what to do with these.
Elmer's glue is for valentine's day projects my kids will be doing.
I also purchased stuffing (obviously not pictured).

Hope everyone has a good Monday! Happy creating!


  1. Love your kitty, he's so cute! Regarding your random crafty purchases, I actually have some Mod Podge that I bought for a craft on moda bakeshop:
    I was making these as vase filler, not ornaments, but they could be either. Just beware its a MESSY project!

  2. Okay, the cat picture made my day! I had the cutest little cat and if she were still around that is exactly where I would find her. Too cute.
    And yes that purchase officially makes you an authentic crafter :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment!! It makes my day!


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